Jag måste bara säga, alla dom här var så jävla klockrena. Det stämmer till 100 % hahaha


-you get mistaken for every nationality on earth, except kurdish.

-you know more about world politics by the age of 12 than most CNN anchors, this is why non of us actually studies political science .

- you get along fine with turks, arabs, iranian, but you swear that you hate their fucking guts for what they did to your people .

-you really do hate turkey more than any one in the world (we are in competition with Greeks in this matter).

-you speak fluently about 3 languages, and if needed you could claim and pass for about 3 different nationalities .

-you could be political refuge in most of the civilized world .

-when you became a refugee you told your lawyer what and how to argue your case .

-and when it all fails and you actually going to be deported, you don't .

-you are so proud of being kurdish but so tired of having to teach people about the world .

-your parents are on a non-stop crusade to find you a nice husband/wife from the home land.

-you have first cousins in about 10 different countries ,spread over 3 continent ,

-every younger kurd respects you and fears you ,despite him being the most notorious gangster in the city , and you only flip burgers in some kurdish pizza shop.

-half the people you know are restaurant owners ,non of which are kurdish restaurant .

-once you realize that your sister is a hot babe ,you buy a gun .

-your dad collects your pay check until you get married 

-your dad bought you a house back in the country ,so you get married there , even though you never going back.

-your mom is worried when you date a non-kurdish person for more that 6 months ,

-you never back off ,even if you are really scared 

-you cry when you listen to Sivan Perwer singing Halapca 

-you can eat onions,tomato,green peppers just like apples 

-your parents yell really loud during long distance calls 

-you have a staring problem ( personally i think its more like a hobby )

-your parents ask for tea every hour of the day 

-u have at least one carpet hanging on your wall at home..

-When u hear music, u cant help but shake ur shoulders...

-you believe tea is your Tylenol. 

-your parents see slippers not as a foot wear but as a disciplinary tool for you .

-you take 8 luggage's over seas and 7 of which are for gifts. 

-every one that lives or lived or some how is connected to the 25 miles radius surrounding your home town is magically related to you , if not then he will be very soon .

-when our parents classify everything from tobacco to wine all the way to crack under one label DRUGS.

-you are reminded ALL the time that your parents left their family ,home and beloved mountains to this( cold shitty country ..in some cases) for you to be a doctor or a lawyer ,and if you fuck it up :you are no longer my son/daughter anymore ,and i don't want to ever to see you 

-You are a master of creating new words such as : Cowboy (jeans) Nestela (Chocolate) and Sbleeeet (A/C)

-no matter how good your doing ,your parents put u down and compare u with themselves claiming they were like hercules at your age . 

-u have a year's supply of pistachios, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, olives, jaji, and chai.

-you have relatives back home sending you "tearose" perfume

-you've been beat in the ass with a slipper, wooden spoon, or a broom

-your mother constantly threatens you with "just wait til your dad comes home to beat ur ass"

-your first cousin is married to your second cousin

-u go to a kurdish wedding and there are three men in the middle dancing with pink, beaded, sequined scarves

-you can't get married until your older brother/sister has gotten married first, then it's your turn

-when your mother and aunts pick grape leaves from a random park

-you've been given instructions on how to properly answer social services and not rat out ur parents for beating you, if they ever come to your house

-you're finally given the "sex talk" from an elder on ur wedding night, before you do the deed

-you're a girl whose had proposals from men you've never met

-you've been to more weddings than you can count

-you have an uncle or aunt who is the same age, or younger than you

-your constantly told by ur parents to turn off the water or lights, so the energy bill isnt so high

-you're a girl and their is company over, you're treated like a waitress

-Your dad swears at you with words that affect himself

-You talk for an hour at the front door when leaving someone's house

-You say bye 17 times on the phone

-*when you give up on romance and find yourself in a plain with a one-way ticket to kurdistan to find your wife / husband in 30 days

-you notice your dad and mom doing back flips after you finaly agreed to the arranged marriage .

-every time a cop car is in sight your dad practices his speach while your mom is yelling at you and your siblings to put your seatbelt on.

-ur dad calls u "ker kure ker" everytime u make a mistake

-your 30 and already thinking about retirement

- you have an illegal satellite and signal just so your parents can watch kurdsat

-Your parents enjoy comparing you to their friends' kids

-No matter if you have a couch or a bed; you still like to sit and/or sleep on the floor

-you call Pepsi " BEBSI"

-it takes an hour to say hello how are u..only for the caller to find out that the person they want to speak to is not in and takes him forever to put the phone down

Postat av: daniella

HAHAHAHAHAHHAA jag tror att jag är halvkurd faktiskt

2009-10-09 @ 11:04:03
URL: http://imissyou.webblogg.se/
Postat av: Ala


2009-10-09 @ 20:35:03
URL: http://mmaamacita.blogg.se/
Postat av: ritta

HAHAHAH sooooooo trueeeeeeeeee!!!!


2009-10-10 @ 17:21:42
Postat av: Hattmannen

LOL :'D Vill du utrota ditt eget folk eller?!

2009-10-15 @ 17:44:12
URL: http://www.lionjudge.blogspot.com

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